
Saturday 2 April 2011

Wishing for some rain....

Who would have thought
We'd be talking about a drought
We haven't had any rain for quite a few days
Many bright sunny days, but no rain anyways

Drought is a natural disaster, and its impact can be brutal
It leads to plenty of hunger, famine and sadness. All actions seem futile
The aged, infirm, the young, the plants, the trees and wildlife
The impact of drought is far reaching in our daily life

It's become really hot in the afternoon
Although, I did think it was too soon
Afterall it's only early April
When the weather is supposed to be brill

So, I'm praying for some good rain
But no flooding, just enough to see some green on the terrain
Enough to feed the plants and fill up the rivers and ponds
Enough for that dog, that's been drinking out of the fishpond

Rain washes things away, you know
Just like you would get with molten snow
On a personal note, I'm wishing for some good rain
To wash away the pollen and free my fuddled brain!

1 comment:

  1. Employ a rainmaker to push some rain clouds your way!


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