
Tuesday 10 January 2012

SMART New Year Resolutions

For the past 2 years, I've had a reverse kind of New Year resolution.

I refuse to go to the gym each year, until about the tail end of January. 
Because I do not want to be tagged a New Year Resolutionist!
(Now this doesn't mean that I do not continue my exercise somehow - walking in my neighbourhood, doing weights or lunges at home etc - but I just don't go into a gym to do it)

Who are New Year Resolutionists? 
You know - those who make all the New Year resolutions (eat right, exercise more, organize more, relax more) on the 1st day of January and by 15th of January, have forgotten all those resolutions! They are the ones who flock to the gym religiously on the 1st (and the 2nd, 4th, 5th, ...10th even...) and by the 20th, the excitement has worn off and the gym is back to normal with the die-hards only.

Not sure why this happens, though. I know I have been guilty of setting really ah-mazing goals on 1st of January and not carrying them through. (Lose 30 pounds (hmmm) by Valentine's day comes to mind).

Were the goals too lofty? Too ambitious? Just not realistic?

The experts always say we need to make our goals S.M.A.R.T. (Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely). 

Specific - The Who, What, Why, When, Where, How questions should be answered in relation to that goal. What do you want to do? How do you plan to do it? Why do you want to do it?

Measurable - How do I measure my progress? Do not rely solely on the scales. How about the way your  clothes fit?

Attainable - Be realistic. For me, 30 pounds by Valentines day (6 weeks) was not realistic and therefore I lost the incentive to persevere.

Relevant - How relevant is this to my daily existence? What do I stand to gain by doing this? Having a relevant goal makes it worthwhile and you are willing to work towards it.

Timely - Set stage goals for yourself. Pace yourself. You cannot reach all your goals in one day. (Keep in mind that the weight wasn't gained in one day either!). What goals can I aspire to today? In a fortnight? In a month?

What are your New Year resolutions? Are they SMART and are you still on track?

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